%0 Journal Article %T Child Labour Regulations in International Law and Indian Legislations: A Survey %A Leeladhara Mangalpady Bh %A ary %J World Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities %D 2019 %R 10.12691/wjssh-5-2-7 %X Child labour has been considered as a socio-economic problem since many years. Even though it has been considered as a socio-economic problem, the legislation takes important role in regulating the child labour. It is one of the worst violations of human rights which exploit children physically, morally, economically, and denying them access to education. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which stands for inherent dignity and of the inalienable rights of all members of the human family. Unfortunately, continuing practice of child labour is shameful to humankind. Throughout the world, the exploitation of child labour is a practice with a deep history and a devastating impact on children. The focus on child labour over the years has greatly increased public awareness on the conditions of children at work places. This article focuses on gaps in international and domestic instruments pertaining to child labour and its implementation in India. Further, it deeply dwells upon the reasons, which can be assumed as impediments in implementing international law and domestic legal norms in their absolute spirit in India. This article also submits a few suggestions to fill the gaps in the national efforts to save children from the exploitation and enable them to enjoy their human rights in their totality %U http://www.sciepub.com/WJSSH/abstract/10833