%0 Journal Article %T Assessment of Environmental Radioactivity and Public Exposure Dose at Wonderland of Blue Nile Shore in Khartoum-Sudan %A Mohammed Ahmed Ali Omer %J American Journal of Environmental Protection %D 2019 %R 10.12691/env-7-1-1 %X Background and Objective: Radiation survey has been carried out at a wonderland of Blue Nile shore of Khartoum state as a protective and safety precautions for community. The objective was to assess the radiation exposure level and the committed dose by public compared with authorized one. Materials and Methods: the method used was an experimental survey covering 10 km2 using Geiger Muller survey meter at surface and depth profile down to 100 cm with enhancement of hoe and drill for deeper samples that consists of 90 samples. The Results: the analyzed data showed that: the emitted radiation represented ¦Ã-radiation and particles as (¦Â and ¦Á). The exposure level at surface due to ¦Ã- radiation and particles was 0.21¦ÌSv/h that represents 0.021% of the maximum permissible dose for public. The committed dose by the entertained public at wonderland areas based on the number of trips was 40.3 ¦ÌSv/year; at surface which is equivalent to 4.03% of the MPD due to ¦Ã-ray, ¦Á and ¦Â particles irradiation. The exposure dose was found to be increased following the depth increment based on equation: y = 0.114e0.003x, where x refers to depth in centimeter and y refers to exposure in ¦ÌSv/h. And at depth 100 cm; the exposure level was 0.17 ¦ÌSv/h due to ¦Ã-ray, ¦Á and ¦Â particles and 0.14 ¦ÌSv/h due to pure ¦Ã-radiation respectively. Conclusion: the study revealed considerable exposure level to frequent entertained public at Blue Nile shore in Khartoum beside Tooti city boundary %U http://www.sciepub.com/ENV/abstract/10002