%0 Journal Article %T Critical Success Factors of eLearning in Distance Education Program in a Developing Country %A Nusrat Zahan Mou %A Salah Uddin Rajib %J American Journal of Educational Research %D 2019 %R 10.12691/education-7-3-16 %X This paper aims to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) of eLearning in distance education/learning program in a developing country, Bangladesh. Distance education program is accredited in overcoming a number of barriers in education, especially time constraint and geographical location. eLearning is often used as a means of distance education program. In previous researches a number of bottleneck are identified in distance education as well as in eLearning. In Bangladesh, Bangladesh Open University (BOU) is solely authorized to conduct the distance education. The aim of BOU is to distribute the knowledge in remote areas and to the community of unprivileged. BOU has taken the eLearning as the premise of strengthening the distance education program. This study aims to identify the critical success factors (CSFs) that are necessary to ensure the effective distance education through eLearning on the priority basis. As Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is recognized extensively for identifying the actions required on priority basis, FAHP is used to conduct the study %U http://www.sciepub.com/EDUCATION/abstract/10287