%0 Journal Article %T Colonic Carcinoma Invading the Kidney: Case Reports %A Wilson I. B. Onuigbo %J Biosensors Journal | Biomarkers Journal | Open Access Journal %D 2017 %R 10.15226/2575-6303/2/2/00116 %X Renal metastasis from primary colon cancer is very rare. By 2011, 11 cases were reported in the medical literature of colonic adenocacinoma metastatic to the kidney. In a 51-year-old female in USA, the report was of ˇ°extraluminal colonic adenocarcinoma which directly invaded into the kidney.ˇ± Therefore, the author presents 2 cases of colon cancer spreading to the kidney from the Igbo ethnic group in Nigeria. A clarification of the difference between direct extension and metastasis is deemed to be essential. Keywords: Colon; Cancer; Metastasis; Kidney; Igbos; Nigeria %U https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/biosensors-biomarkers-diagnostics/biosensors-biomarkers-diagnostics16.php