%0 Journal Article %T Do Marketing Talents Matters? Its Relationship to Marketing Capability and Performance | Jen | International Journal of Marketing Studies | CCSE %A Lichung Jen %A Yichun Liu %J International Journal of Marketing Studies %@ 1918-7203 %D 2019 %R 10.5539/ijms.v11n1p69 %X The discussion of marketing capability on firms¡¯ performance has been well documented for the last two decades. Most of the previous studies regarding the measurement of marketing capability are based solitary on the attitude of top managers. However, employees¡¯ marketing talents are rarely discussed. This study, we propose a two-order factor hierarchy model utilizing a new pairwise survey approach to evaluate managers¡¯ marketing capability and employees¡¯ marketing talent. A preliminary questionnaire was developed to conduct an empirical study, of which four companies over 2,000 employees were surveyed. This study identified the positive impact of employee marketing talent and managerial marketing capability to organizational performance. Theoretical contribution, managerial implication and limitations are also discussed %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijms/article/view/0/38299