%0 Journal Article %T Exploration of Unani concept of blood purifying drugs and likely models for its screening %A Ansari Mushir %A Ghulamuddin Sofi %A Nasreen Jahan %J Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3329/bjms.v18i2.40702 %X Introduction: In Unani system of medicine, blood is regarded as mixture of akhlat (humours) i.e. dam (Sanguine), balgham (phlegm), safra (yellow bile) and sawda (black bile). Normal blood consists of ¡°akhlate latifa (plasma)¡± and ¡°kaseefa (corpuscles)¡±. Normal blood is one in which all humours are in normal proportion in terms of quantity and quality and specific to each individual. It is normal in colour, free from bad odour and moderate in viscosity. Morbid blood develops due to impurities /disease in the blood which ultimately alter its quantity and quality. If we co relate these abnormalities with modern concept then all bleeding disorders and coagulopathy fall under ¡°Riqqate dam¡± (low viscosity of blood); all the thromboembolic disorders; polycythaemia, leukaemia and anaemia fall under ¡°Ghilzate dam¡±(hyperviscosity of blood), while septicaemia, bacterial diseases can be correlated with ¡°ufunat¡± (infections) %U https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/BJMS/article/view/40702