%0 Journal Article %T 弯曲与直锚GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆锚固特性试验研究
Experimental study on anchoring properties of bended and straight GFRP composite anti-floating anchor %A 匡政 %A 白晓宇 %A 张明义 %A 朱磊 %A 陈小钰 %J 复合材料学报 %D 2019 %R 10.13801/j.cnki.fhclxb.20180703.003 %X 玻璃纤维增强聚合物(GFRP)复合材料因其抗拉强度高、耐腐蚀、抗电磁干扰等优点,被越来越多地应用于建(构)筑物地抗浮工程中,但弯折后的力学性能研究较少。为研究弯曲GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆的力学特性,本文基于8根表面黏砂型GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆和8根螺纹钢筋抗浮锚杆的现场足尺拉拔破坏性试验,研究了直锚、弯曲GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆在混凝土底板中的锚固特性。试验结果表明:弯曲处理不利于提高GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆极限承载力,且弯折长度越长,极限承载力降低幅度越大,但可以有效限制锚杆在底板中的位移,且弯折长度越长,位移限制效果越明显。增加锚固长度可以提高抗浮锚杆的极限承载力且有效限制其位移。通过引入抗浮锚杆弯曲处理影响系数讨论了弯曲处理对GFRP复合材料抗浮锚杆锚固特性的影响,并提出了需进一步研究的问题。 Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites had been applied in more and more anti-floating construction with their advantages such as high tensile strength, resistance to corrosion, low electromagnetic properties and so on, but the researched about their properties after bending are insufficient. To find the mechanical properties of bending GFRP composite anti-floating anchor, the paper studied the anchorage performance of straight and bended GFRP composite anchor bolt on the basis of a full-scale pullout test consisted of 8 surface sticky sand GFRP composite anti-floating anchors and 8 thread steel anti-floating anchors. The results show that the curved GFRP composites are unfavorable for improving the ultimate bearing capacity, and the longer with the bending length, the lower the ultimate bearing capacity is. However, bending treatment can effectively limit the displacement of the anchor bolt in the bottom plate, and the longer with the bending length, the more obvious the limiting effect shows. Increasing the anchorage length can effectively limit the displacement and improve the bearing capacity of the anchor bolts. The paper also introduces anti-floating anchor bending effect coefficient and puts forward the question which needs to be researched in the future based on the discussion of the influence about the anchorage properties of anchor bolts after bending. 国家自然科学基金(51708316;51778312);山东省重点研发计划项目(2017GSF16107;2018GSF117008);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2016EEQ08;ZR2017PEE006);山东省高等学校科技计划(J16LG02);青岛市应用基础研究计划(16-5-1-39-jch);中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2018M632641 %K 玻璃纤维增强聚合物(GFRP)复合材料 %K 抗浮锚杆 %K 弯曲处理 %K 拉拔试验 %K 极限承载力 %K 滑移量
glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) composites %K anti-floating anchor rod %K bending %K pullout test %K ultimate bearing capacity %K slip %U http://fhclxb.buaa.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract14445.shtml