%0 Journal Article %T 线性系统传感器故障的区间估计
Interval estimation of sensor fault for linear systems %A 张文瀚 %A 王振华 %A 沈毅 %J 控制理论与应用 %D 2019 %R 10.7641/CTA.2018.70947 %X 本文研究了离散时间线性系统传感器故障的区间估计问题. 通过将传感器故障视为增广状态, 原始系统转化为一个等效的广义系统. 基于所得到的广义系统, 利用H∞技术设计鲁棒增广状态观测器, 从而得到系统传感器故障的估计. 然后通过中心对称多胞体分析以实现对故障的区间估计. 与已有的方法相比, 本文所提出的方法具有更宽松的设计条件, 并且可以得到更加准确的故障区间估计. 最后, 通过一个四容水箱系统的数值仿真验证了所提方法的有效性和优越性.
This paper studies the problem of sensor fault interval estimation for discrete-time linear systems. First, the original system is transformed into an equivalent descriptor system by considering the sensor fault as augmented state. Second, the robust augmented state observer is designed by using the H∞ technique to estimate the sensor fault. The proposed method uses the zonotpoes to realize the interval estimation of the fault. Compared with the existing methods, the proposed method has more relaxed design conditions and can obtain more accurate fault interval estimation. Finally, numerical simulations of a quadruple-tanks system are given to illustrate the the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed approach %K 中心对称多胞体 传感器故障 离散时间线性系统 状态观测器
zonotopes sensor fault discrete-time linear systems state observer %U http://jcta.alljournals.ac.cn/cta_cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=CCTA170947&flag=1