%0 Journal Article %T 基于单应性矩阵的移动机器人编队跟随控制
Homography-based platooning control of mobile robots %A 曹雨 %A 刘山 %J 控制理论与应用 %D 2019 %R 10.7641/CTA.2019.80193 %X 本文针对以领航-跟随模型为代表的移动机器人编队系统提出了一种基于单应性的编队跟随控制方案,在给定理想队形间隔距离和理想期望图像的前提下,利用单应性矩阵构造可反映理想队形中跟随机器人实时位姿的虚拟机器人,将原先的编队问题转化为对虚拟机器人的轨迹跟踪问题。编队跟随过程中,领航机器人的速度采用估计的方式,利用单应性与速度之间的关系模型以及跟随机器人的实时速度能较为准确的估计领航速度,从而避免采用局部通信的方式,节省了编队实验成本。最后本文进行的半实物仿真以及实物实验均可验证所提出的编队跟随算法包括速度估计方法的实际有效性。
In this paper, a homography-based strategy of platooning control is proposed for mobile robots formation system represented by leader-follower model. Given the distance between ideal formation and desired image, a virtual robot that reflects the real-time position of the follower in ideal formation can be constructed by homography matrix and the original platooning problem will be transformed into the trajectory tracking problem. In the process of platooning, the leader robot’s velocity can be estimated accurately by using the follower’s real-time velocity and the model between homography and velocity, thus avoiding the use of local communication, saving platooning experimental costs. Finally, the semi-physical simulation and the experiments in this paper can verify the effectiveness of the proposed platooning strategy including the velocity estimation method %K 视觉伺服 移动机器人 编队跟随 单应性 速度估计
visual servo mobile robots platooning control homography velocity estimation %U http://jcta.alljournals.ac.cn/cta_cn/ch/reader/view_abstract.aspx?file_no=CCTA180193&flag=1