%0 Journal Article %T 新起点、新探索:2019年中国的马克思主义新闻观研究综述
New Starting point, New Exploration : An Overview of the Research on Marxism Journalistic Views of China in 2019 %A 邓绍根 %A 丁丽琼 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2020 %X 摘要 站在中华人民共和国诞生70周年的历史节点,中国的马克思主义新闻观沿着历史溯源、理论创新和实践指导三种研究路径,进行了新探索,取得了新突破,获得了新成果。2019年中国的马克思主义新闻观研究主要表现为新中国70年马克思主义新闻观的历史回顾与未来路径探索、习近平总书记关于新闻舆论工作的重要论述的研究的持 续加强与深入开掘、马克思主义新闻观教育价值与实践的双重关注等三方面,呈现出 反思与超越、延续与深化、坚守与落地三个鲜明特点。
Standing at the historical juncture of the 70th anniversary of the birth of the People’s Republic of China, along the three research paths of historical tracing, theoretical innovation and practical guidance, The research of Marxism Journalistic Views of China has carried out new explorations, made new breakthroughs and obtained new achievements. The research of Marxism Journalistic Views of China are mainly concentrated in three topics, including the historical review of the research of Marxism Journalistic Views of China over the past 70 years and the future path exploration, the continuous strengthening and deepening of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on the work of journalism in public opinion, and the dual attention of the value and practice of Marxist Journalism Education. Which has three distinctive characteristics: Reflection and transcendence, continuation and deepening, persistence and implementation %K 马克思主义新闻观 %K 历史回顾 %K 未来发展
Marxism Journalistic Views %K Historical review %K Future development %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract978.shtml