%0 Journal Article %T 《建军大业》传播中的主流意识形态领导权建构: 第三代话语理论进路的分析
Hegemonic Construction of Mainstream Ideology in the Communication ofThe Founding of an Army: Analysis in the Approach of the Third Generation of Discourse Theory %A 汤敏 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 为探求主流意识形态具体的运作机制与认同形成机理,走向中-微观的话语实践分 析成为一种值得重视的研究范式。基于第三代话语理论的进路,围绕国家与社会在意 识形态话语实践中的互动这一实证化视角,本文考察了电影《建军大业》传播中的主 流意识形态领导权建构。作为一次典型的意识形态话语实践,《建军大业》及其传播 在后现代多元身份认同与主客体错位的历史语境中,通过打造一种“年轻派”的话语 纽结点将各差异性的主体立场与能指因素加以接合,在很大程度上完成了对多样化主 体立场的重塑与身份认同的统合,从而相对成功地实现了面向广大受众尤其是年轻观 众的意识形态认同召询与领导权建构。本研究还表明,从话语实践的角度推进主流意 识形态相关问题的实证研究,第三代话语理论的“接合分析”对此具有鲜明的理论解 释力与方法可行性,值得相关研究的探索性开掘。
In order to explore the concrete operation and identifcation mechanism of mainstream ideology, discourse practice analysis in the middle-micro level has become a research paradigm worthy of attention.Through the analytical approach of the third generation of discourse theory, and focusing on the empirical perspective of the interaction between state and society in the ideological discourse practice, this article examines hegemonic construction of mainstream ideology in the communication of the movie The Founding of an Army. As a typical ideological discourse practice and in the historical context of post-modern with various identities and subject-object dislocation, the film and its communication has articulated various differential subject positions and signifer elements by creating a "young style" discourse nodal point. Thus, to a great extent, the differential subject positions have been modifed and various identities been integrated, which means the relative success of the identity interpellation and hegemonic construction of the mainstream ideology in the film disseminated to the mass audiences, especially the young generation. This study also shows that the articulation analysis in the third generation of discourse theory has distinctive theoretical explanatory power and methodological feasibility as to facilitating empirical study on mainstream ideology related issues from the perspective of discourse practice, which is worthy of academic exploratory excavation %K 意识形态 %K 领导权 %K 接合分析 %K 第三代话语理论 %K 后马克思主义
Ideology %K Hegemony %K Articulation Analysis %K The Third Generation of Discourse Theory %K Post-Marxism %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract920.shtml