%0 Journal Article %T 情感激发与意象表达:新媒体事件图像传播的受众视觉框架研究
Emotional Stimulation and Imagery Expression: The Research on Audience Visual Frameworks of New Media Events Image Communication %A 王超群 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 本文着重探讨新媒体事件中的图像,如何通过受众对其“视觉框架”的解读,最终实现关于新媒体事件的舆论生成与表达。选取2007年至2015年九年来有着明显热点图像传播现象的50件新媒体事件作为研究对象,共搜集65张图片作为样本进行分析。 综合运用多模态话语分析、中文情感语义识别研究方法和视觉修辞分析方法,探讨了 “视觉框架”通过刺激受众“情感激发”和营造“文化意象”两种途径实现舆论生成 与表达的过程,并大胆提出建构新媒体事件“情感范型”图像传播模式的可能性。
This article focuses on the new media event images, through the creation and dissemination of the “visual framework”, which fnally achieved the generation and expression of public opinion. The paper researched on the new media events from 2007 to 2015, while about 50 new media events with obvious hot spots in the past nine years were selected as the research objects. About 65 images were collected as samples for analysis. With the methods of multi-modal discourse analysis, Chinese emotion meaning recognition and visual rhetoric analysis, this paper discussed the process of realizing the expression of public opinion idioms by stimulating the audience's “emotional stimulation” and creating “cultural images”. The paper boldly put forward and constructed the new media event “emotion pattern” image propagation mode %K 视觉框架 %K 新媒体事件 %K 情感激发 %K 文化意象
Image framework %K New media events %K Emotional stimulation %K Cultural imagery %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract952.shtml