%0 Journal Article %T 转向、解构与重构:数据新闻可视化叙事研究
Steering, Deconstruction and Reconstruction: The Research of Data Journalism Visualization Narrative %A 许向东 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 新闻叙事是新闻信息生产的核心环节,大数据技术应用于新闻叙事,引发了叙事主体和叙事形式的变化,并对叙事者、叙事结构、叙事话语、叙事接受等产生了影响。数据新闻可视化叙事突破了传统的新闻叙事模式,形成了线型、组合型和交互型 叙事模式,以及相关性、对比性和演变性的叙事逻辑。探索数据新闻可视化叙事不仅可以丰富新闻叙事学理论研究,也有助于我们了解和掌握数据新闻的生产规律。
News narrative is the core link of news information production. The application of big data technology to news narrative has triggered the changes of narrative subject and narrative form, and has influenced the narrator, narrative structure, narrative discourse and narrative acceptance. Exceeding the form of traditional news narrative, the data journalism visualization narrative has a linear, combined and interactive narrative mode,as well as owns the narrative logic of relational,contradistinctive and evolving. Exploring data journalism visualization news narrative not only enriches the theoretical research of news narratology, but also helps us understand the production rules of data journalism %K 数据新闻 %K 可视化 %K 叙事
Data journalism %K visualization %K narrative %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract965.shtml