%0 Journal Article %T “人民报纸”的理论起点、话语衍变与历史实践(1942-1953)
The Theoretical Starting Point, Discourse Evolution and Historical practice of “People's Newspapers” (1942-1953) %A 龙伟 %A 董佳琦 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2019 %X 摘要 “党性”与“人民性”问题是马克思主义新闻理论中的重要命题。学术界在讨论 “党性”与“人民性”问题时,往往忽视中国共产党革命实践中有关“人民报纸”的 思想、理论与实践。事实上,“人民报纸”是中共延安时期新闻宣传工作中基于“群 众性”“人民大众”等概念衍生出来的一个关键概念。解放战争时期,“人民报纸” 一度与“人民性”并称混用,但所指已溢出党报理论特指的“人民性”。新中国成立 后,“人民报纸”甚而上升为国家报业制度的基本理念。探讨“人民报纸”的理论起 点、话语衍变及其历史实践,对于重新认识党报的党性与人民性理论、发扬中国共产 党新闻工作中坚持为人民服务的优良传统有着重要意义。
The issues of “party property” and “affnity to the people” are important propositions in Marxist news theory. When discussing issues of “party property” and “affnity to the people”, the academic community often overlooks the ideas, theories, and practices of the “people's newspapers” in the process of CCP's revolutionary practice. In fact, the “people's newspapers” is a key concept derived from the concepts of “mass character” and “people” in the news propaganda work during the Yan 'an period. During the War of Liberation, the “people's newspapers” once referred to mixed use of “affnity to the people”, but it was out of the “affnity to the people” category. After the founding of New China, the “people's newspapers” even rose to the basic idea of the national newspaper system. Exploring the theoretical starting point, discourse evolution and historical practice of the “people's newspapers” should be of great signifcance for re-interpreting the party newspaper's theory of party property and affnity to the people and carrying forward the fne tradition of serving the people in the CCP's press work %K 党报 %K 人民的报纸 %K 群众性 %K 人民大众 %K 党报的党性和人民性
Party Newspapers %K People's Newspapers %K Mass Character %K The People %K Party property and affnity to the People %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract938.shtml