%0 Journal Article %T 被“标识”的国家: 撤侨话语中的国家认同与家国想象
The “Marked” Nation: National Identity and FamilyCountry Imagination in the Discourse of Overseas Evacuation in China %A 陈薇 %J 国际新闻界 %D 2020 %X 摘要 “想象的共同体”确立了论述国家的话语方式,书写(论述)国家的行动本身, 就是通过想象(叙事)来弥补在多元复杂的社会力量中所遗失的国家“同一性”,从 而将宏大的民族国家叙事和细碎而弥散的日常生活建立起勾连。本文从想象国家的理 论脉络出发,以新世纪以来《人民日报》对海外撤侨行动的报道为研究对象,对报道 中所呈现的“国家”话语进行文本分析。研究发现,建构主义范式与原生主义范式共 同作用于国家想象的生成与可见,从而“标识”国家。由此,撤侨话语成为一种展现 国家力量与国家意识的权力书写,通过英雄原型叙事、建构集体记忆的话语互文、塑 造“家国一体”的概念隐喻以及话语互动,实现国家情感的表达与国家认同的凝聚。
The "Imagined Community" establishes the discourse mode of writing and interpreting the nation, so that the lost "national identity" in the pluralistic and complex social forces can be compensated in the imagination (narration) process, and a link between the macroscopic national narrative and the scattered daily life can be established. Starting from the theoretical context of imagining the nation, this paper uses the discourse analysis of People's Daily’s reports on overseas evacuation since 2000. The study fnds that the discourse of constructivist paradigm and primordialism work together to generate and visualize the national imagination, in order to “mark” the community. Therefore, the discourse of overseas evacuation has become a way of expressing national power and national consciousness. Through the heroic prototype narrative mode, the intertextuality strategy to construct collective memory, the conceptual metaphor of "Family-country integration" and discourse interaction, the expression of national affection and the cohesion of national identity can be realized %K 撤侨 %K 标识 %K 新闻话语 %K 国家认同 %K 家国想象
Evacuation %K The marked %K News discourse %K National identity %K The family-country imagination %U http://cjjc.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract982.shtml