%0 Journal Article %T 家庭医生制度思考与对策探讨 ——以上海和厦门为例
Discussion on family doctor system and countermeasures based on models of Shanghai and Xiamen %A 马 晴 %A 王高玲 %J 医学争鸣 %D 2019 %X 十九大全面深化健康中国战略,完善家庭医生制度建设刻不容缓。目前我国家庭医生制度刚刚起 步,各地发展形式不一,本文选取上海和厦门两种典型制度模式,从制度配套建设、资金链发展、民众引导政 策、人才巩固战略与制度宣传等方面讨论家庭医生制度实施过程中存在的不足,并从制度设计、相关政策与推广 策略等方面进行对策探讨,为完善家庭医生制度建言献策。
The 19th CPC National Congress comprehensively deepens the Healthy China strategy. It reveals that the family doctor system construction needs to be improved urgently. Currently, family doctor system in China has just been constructed, and the system forms vary from place to place. This article compared two typical models of Shanghai and Xiamen, analyzed their shortcomings in the aspects of system supporting construction, development of capital chain, public guidance policy, talent consolidation strategy and system publicity etc., and offered some advice pertaining to system design, related policies and promotion strategies etc. to perfect the system %K 家庭医生制度 %K 制度建设 %K 模式管理
family doctor system %K system construction %K mode management %U http://yxzm.paperonce.org/oa/DArticle.aspx?type=view&id=201903018