%0 Journal Article %T Synthesis of a Novel Catalyst MnO/CNTs for Microwave-Induced Degradation of Tetracycline %J Catalysts | An Open Access Journal from MDPI %D 2019 %R https://doi.org/10.3390/catal9110911 %X Microwave-induced catalytic degradation (MICD) has been considered as one of the most prospective approaches to remove organic contaminants from water. High-performance catalysts, ideally offering efficient degradation ability, are essential to this process. This work reports the fabrication of manganese oxide on carbon nanotubes (MnO/CNTs) as an efficient catalyst under microwave irradiation (MI) to remove tetracycline (TC) from aqueous solution. The hybrid MnO/CNTs structure shows excellent performance in TC degradation. Combining experimental characterization and theoretical calculations, synergistic mechanisms are revealed: (i) Strong MnO/CNTs interaction stabilizes Mn(II) through interfacial bonding; (ii) high-spin states associated with low coordinated Mn(II) play a major role in MICD; and (iii) superoxide radicals (£żO 2 £ż) and hydroxyl radicals (£żOH) induced by microwave input are identified as the major active species. View Full-Tex %U https://www.mdpi.com/2073-4344/9/11/911