%0 Journal Article %T Delimitation of Micro-physiographical Region for Regional Planning and Development (District Nagaur, Rajasthan) %A Varun Binda %J American Journal of Rural Development %D 2019 %R 10.12691/ajrd-7-1-4 %X In developing countries like India disparities among the level of development at the regional level is highly uneven. So its emerge as a new research area for the regional scientists. The main target of the author with this approach to identify the Micro-Physiographical Regions to reduce and eliminate the disparities in Nagaur District of Rajasthan (India). With the help of Micro-Physical Regions, policy makers can easily solve out the problems of regional imbalance. In this research paper, author try to find out the Micro-level planning regions of the concerned area with help of geographical, social and economic factors. The research has been divided into four physiographical regions using the above factors and superimposed technique %U http://www.sciepub.com/AJRD/abstract/10236