%0 Journal Article %T Proximate and Macro Element Composition of Four Fish Species from Lower River Benue Makurdi Benue State Nigeria %A Ed-Idoko John %A Ikape Simon Ihie %A Solomon Shola Gabriel %J International Journal of Nutritional Health | Journal Of Nutrition | Peer reviewed Journal %D 2018 %R 10.15226/jnhfs.2018.001127 %X A study was conducted on four fresh water fish species: Protopterus annectens, Labeo coubie, Auchenoglanis occidentalis and Mormyrus rume from lower river Benue, Makurdi to determine the proximate and macro elements composition of these fish species from lower river Benue Makurdi. A total of 600 fish samples were collected, 50 samples from each species for the period of three months. Fish samples were collected and transported to the University of Agriculture Makurdi, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture laboratory for analysis. Proximate analysis showed significant differences (P< 0.05) among the fish samples. Crude protein in fish samples was in the range (61.65-58.52%) while fat was (8.14-8.34%). Ash content was in the range (6.17-4.15%). For Macro elements studied, Mercury was not discovered in Protopterus annectens and Auchenoglanis occidentalis. Lead value ranged from 0.09% to 0.03%. Results for other macro element under study were all within permissible limit given by the World health organization. Keywords: Proximate composition, Macro Elements; Protopterus annectens; Labeo coubie; Auchenoglanis occidentalis and Mormyrus rum %U https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/nutritionalhealth-foodscience/nutritionalhealth-foodscience127.php