%0 Journal Article
%T 留守儿童的社会心理健康
The Social Psychological Wellbeing of the Left-behind Children: Findings from A Large Random #br# Sample of Jingyang County in Shaanxi Province
%A 郭申阳
%A 孙晓冬
%A 彭瑾
%A 方奕华
%J 人口研究
%D 2019
%X 摘要 文章在“社会信息加工理论”的指导下,基于一个代表中国中西部农村地区、通过“分块群组随机”方法抽取的具有统计力度的大样本调查数据,借助分层线性模型和有序Logistic回归模型,评定留守儿童的社会信息加工技能。研究发现,留守儿童与非留守儿童相比,好坏交织,无法得出留守儿童的社会心理健康劣于非留守儿童的结论;多变量分析显示,在30个结果变量的变化上,只有4个具有统计意义上的显著性,其中有两个表明留守儿童的变化比非留守儿童好,另两个表明留守儿童的变化比非留守儿童差;没有证据表明留守儿童与犯罪存在因果关系。文章指出,在留守儿童福祉和精神健康方面夸大问题是不可取的,特别是不能将留守儿童“污名化”。
Abstract:Guided by the Social Information-Processing Theory, this study employes a large random sample (i.e., 681 Third-Grade pupils) generated by a blocked cluster design that represents Chinese Northwestern rural region to address the research question about the social information-processing skills and social psychological status of the left-behind children. The study uses the multilevel analysis and the ordered logistic regression model to analyze the longitudinal data that are comprised of study-children's self-administrated answers to the study questionnaire and teachers' ratings. Results show that in terms of the social psychological wellbeing, the left-behind children do not show worse outcomes than other children, and there is no evidence to support the causal linkage between being left-behind and commitment of crimes. It is important not to exaggerate the left-behind childrens problems. The stigmatization of left-behind children is not acceptable
%K 留守儿童
%K 心理健康
%K 社会信息加工
%K 攻击性行为
%K 青少年犯罪
%U http://rkyj.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract3615.shtml