%0 Journal Article %T 应对方式、社会网络对留守老人抑郁症状的作用及机制分析
The Effects and Mechanism of Coping Style and Social Networks on Depressive Symptoms #br# among Left?behind Elderly in Rural China %A 唐丹 %A 徐瑛 %J 人口研究 %D 2019 %X 摘要 文章利用2014年中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)数据,以非留守老人作为参照,对留守老人的应对方式、社会网络及抑郁症状的水平及其之间的关系进行讨论,重点分析了应对方式和社会网络对抑郁症状的作用机制。结果发现:(1)应对方式和朋友网络在留守与非留守老人中不存在显著差异,留守老人的家庭网络和心理健康状况明显较非留守老人差;(2)积极应对可以有效缓解留守老人的抑郁症状,消极应对则有可能增加留守老人的抑郁症状;(3)家庭网络对留守老人抑郁症状有显著的预测作用,朋友网络作用不明显;(4)在留守老人中,家庭网络在积极应对与抑郁症状之间起完全中介作用;(5)在非留守老人中,家庭网络在积极应对与抑郁症状之间起部分中介作用。
Abstract: Using the data of CLASS 2014, this paper examines the associations between coping styles, social networks and depressive symptoms among rural left-behind older adults. The mediating and moderating effects of coping styles and social networks are tested. The results suggest that the family ties of left-behind elderly are lower than that of the non-left-behind, while the depressive symptoms are higher; positive coping styles decrease the depressive symptoms, while negative coping styles increase the depressive symptoms among rural left-behind older adults; family networks are negatively associated with the depressive symptoms, while the association between friendship networks and depressive symptoms is not significant; the correlation between positive coping styles is totally mediated by family networks; no moderating effects of coping styles or social networks is verified; the mechanism of coping styles, social networks and depressive symptom among left-behind older adults is different from that among the non-left-behind counterparts %K 应对方式 %K 社会网络 %K 抑郁 %K 留守老人 %U http://rkyj.ruc.edu.cn/CN/abstract/abstract3609.shtml