%0 Journal Article %T New Strategies for Treatment of Alzheimera£¿£¿s Disease %J Biocoreopen %D 2017 %X Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease and one of diseases that related to ageing and mostly happened with elderly people , and one of diseases that was has no determinant treatment , but now a days many new strategies have been discovered in the treatment of Alzheimer include drugs reduced amyloid peptide (AB) production , drugs prevent AB aggregation , drugs reduce inflammation associated with Alzheimer, cholinesterase inhibitor and N-methyl-d-aspartate ( NMDA ) antagonist like memantine, Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase( IDO) inhibitor such as Coptisine which is a traditional Chinese medicinal prescription, and others some of it be approved in clinical trial and others still under investigation %K 13) (i.e. %K berberine %K palmatine %K jatrorrhizine %K and baicalein) and they are potent IDO1 inhibitor %K Jatrorrhizine and palmatine exhibited irreversible inhibition of rhIDO-1 %K whereas berberine and baicalein behaved as uncompetitive %K reversible inhibitors . so OGT shows strong IDO1 inhibitory action and may have important therapeutic effect in AD (14-15) of extracellular-regulated kinase 1 & 2 (ERK1 & ERK2) signaling and by this will stop pathway that produce amyloid peptide but conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) %K a synthetic form of estro gen doesna£¿£¿t show the same result but cause reduction of cognitive activities and increased risk of dementia As E2 is a natural form of estrogen that exists in the human body while CEE is not . This figure shows effect of late and short term treatment of E2 and genistein on brain plaque formation. At an age of 9 months old %K female mice were treated with 17£¿2-estradiol (18.8ug/day) %K Genistein (26ug/day) or placebo for 3 months. At an age of 12 months %K brain tissues were harvested. (A) Immunostaining of A£¿2 plaques as shown in dark brown in the images. (B) Plaque count was performed by Image-pro Plus Analysis (media Cybernetics) with three sizes as large (>20 £¿¦Ìm diameter) %K medium (10a£¿£¿20 £¿¦Ìm diameter) and small (>10 £¿¦Ìm diameter). * P 0.05 compared to placebo groups THIS figure shows Level of A£¿2 in APP/OVX and APP/Ar+/a£¿£¿ mice with estrogen treatment. Experimental mice received continuous treatment with placebo %K E2 or genistein (Gen) from 3 months old and tissue was harvested at age of 12 months as described in the method. Brain tissue from total of 48 mice (n=8 each treatment group) were processed and measured for A£¿240 and A£¿242 by ELISA kits. Data presented as percentage of placebo treated APP/OVX or APP/Ar+/a£¿£¿ mice. * indicates P< 0.05 compared to placebo treated mice (16 -17) . %U https://biocoreopen.org/ijpsr/New-strategies-for-treatment-of-Alzheimers-disease.php