%0 Journal Article %T The Metrological Assurance of the Colorimetry in Software and Hardware Environments %J Biocoreopen %D 2020 %R 10.25141/2474-8811-2016-1.0019 %X This work is devoted to the issues of colorimetric measurements in hardware and software environments using technologies of digital image processing. Such measurements can be implemented by ensuring metrological traceability of results to standards or referencematerials. The main idea of the research is to model and build a reference scale in a functional vector color space in space by creating a set of measures (reference samples) sources.To select the color space XYZ on sectors and build in each sector the calibration characteristics is proposed in this paper. This procedure allows to reduce the methodical component of uncertainty and to do measurements in hardware and software environments %K where X %K Y %K Z - coordinates of the color spaceXYZ %K anm a£¿£¿ the standardized weighting of intensitiesR %K G %K B %K - Location 0E vector with respect to space XYZ axes Vector OE will use the following way: it project the vectors of the two available samples and the resulting pre-registration and conversion device digital coordinates of the vector object (Figure 16). - Diagram of the European Union to find the length of the segment (corresponding to the segment 1 - 2 in Figure 13) x = 0.333 %K £¿£¿ = 0.333 %K z = 0.333. Consequently the angle £¿¡À %K under which the vector is directed with respect to each of the axes is 45 £¿¡ă (Figure 15). Further assume that the entire vector OE will have 256 divisions. You need to find a range of values of such a a£¿£¿scalea£¿£¿ %K which belongs to the segment on a vector OE formed between the ends of the projections of the vectors it two standard samples. (For convenience %K we will refer to the points of projection vectors OE such as shown in Figure 17). The value of the desired length L will equal to the difference between the sections 02 and 01. We find them the length of the triangles ABC and ADE (Figure 17). The numerical values of the lengths of BC and DK will be equal to the coordinate values along the axis 0z vectors of the first and second samples %K respectively. Similarly are the coordinate axes on 0N object: Russian. Windows XP SP3 %K Windows Vista %K Windows 7 %K Windows 8 %K Windows 10. 400 Hz and higher. 126 mb. 7 %K 25 mb. %U https://biocoreopen.org/ijnme/The-Metrological-Assurance-of-the-Colorimetry-in-Software-and-Hardware-Environments.php