%0 Journal Article %T One-pot Synthesize of Phenyl Phenanthro Imidazole Derivatives Catalyzed by Lewis Acid in the Presence of Ammonium Acetate %A Mohammad Kazem Mohammadi 2 %J International Journal of Advanced Biological and Biomedical Research %@ 2322-4827 %D 2020 %R 10.33945/SAMI/CHEMM/2020.3.9 %X Tri substituted imidazole derivatives were synthesized with the combinations of phenanthroquinone, benzealdehyde derivatives at the presence of ammonium acetate that catalyzed by Lewis acid. In all reactions, polar solvent was used and the reactions were carried out under the reflux conditions. The structure of all compounds was confirmed using the IR and 1HNMR. This method revealed several advantages including, excellent yields, simplicity of operation and easy separation. The results showed that, products formed in high yields and low reaction times. Also, the metal atom of Lewis acid catalyst increased the reactivity of substrate and the reaction time %K Multicomponent %K One-pot %K Imidazoles %K ammonium acetat %K Lewis acid %U http://www.chemmethod.com/article_99328.html