%0 Journal Article %T Incidence and Spatial Distribution of Caribbean Yellow Band Disease in La Parguera, Puerto Rico %A Francisco J. Soto-Santiago %A Ernesto Weil %J Journal of Marine Biology %D 2012 %I Hindawi Publishing Corporation %R 10.1155/2012/510962 %X The incidence and spatial distribution patterns of Caribbean Yellow Band Disease (CYBD) on the important frame-builder coral Montastraea faveolata were assessed by counting, tagging, and mapping all diseased and healthy colonies for one year in each of three 100 m2 quadrats on two inner, mid-shelf, and shelf-edge reefs off La Parguera, Puerto Rico. Healthy colonies were checked every month from January to December of 2009 to monitor disease spread within each quadrant. Incidence increased significantly from winter (0.7¡À0.8% SE) to summer (1.5¡À1.1% SE, =23, Sign Test; =2.40; =0.01). Mid-shelf reefs had the highest host abundance and showed significantly higher CYBD incidence (2.1¡À1.4% SE, =14) compared to the other zones (=9.74;=2; =0.04). The increased incidence in the summer suggests that warmer months favor development of CYBD on M. faveolata. Results showed aggregated patterns of CYBD when all colonies (i.e., healthy %U http://www.hindawi.com/journals/jmb/2012/510962/