%0 Journal Article %T A slack optimization unified model of regrouping and sequencing batches for ¦Â1£¿¡ú£¿¦Â2 manufacturing system %A Hao Chen %A Li Liu %A Wenyou Jia %A You Li %A Zhibin Jiang %J Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture %@ 2041-2975 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/0954405417738030 %X It is challenging to schedule batch processing machine in the semiconductor wafer fabrication system. Based on the rolling horizon scheme, the overall horizon is decomposed into many time windows. One time window corresponds to one sub-problem. Regarding each sub-problem, a multiple-phase scheduling strategy is performed, which consists of three phases: to update parameters, to sequence the regrouping batches, and to dispatch the priority-batch. A unified scheduling model of unifying ¦Â2 batch regrouping and sequencing is focused on in the ¦Â1£¿¡ú£¿¦Â2 type. In the model, the objective is a minimum total tardiness for sequencing the regrouping batches. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed approach, the experiments are implemented on a virtual semiconductor manufacturing test line. The results show that it can obtain satisfied solution %K Scheduling %K time windows %K batch processing machine %K multiple-phase scheduling strategy %K unified scheduling model %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0954405417738030