%0 Journal Article %T China in Latin America: South %A Javier A. Vadell %J Latin American Perspectives %@ 1552-678X %D 2019 %R 10.1177/0094582X18815511 %X The central questions for a critical analysis of the economic relations between China and Latin America and the Caribbean countries since the beginning of the twenty-first century are how to interpret the changes in them since the end of the commodities boom and whether they have resulted in the emulation in these countries of the Chinese model of development. Analysis suggests that, although the Chinese presence was welcome during the turbulence of the 2001 economic crisis, relations with China are becoming increasingly complex and reflect the political and economic principles of South-South cooperation. Las preguntas centrales para un an芍lisis cr赤tico de las relaciones econ車micas entre China y los pa赤ses de Am谷rica Latina y el Caribe desde principios del siglo XXI son c車mo interpretar los cambios en ellos desde el final del auge de los productos b芍sicos y si han resultado en la emulaci車n en estos pa赤ses del modelo de desarrollo chino. El an芍lisis sugiere que, aunque la presencia china fue bienvenida durante la turbulencia de la crisis econ車mica de 2001, las relaciones con China son cada vez m芍s complejas y reflejan los principios pol赤ticos y econ車micos de la cooperaci車n Sur-Sur %K Latin America %K China %K Cooperation %K Trade %K Global South %K Development %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0094582X18815511