%0 Journal Article %T Lessons in Program Evaluation: The ACTV Batterer Program Study and Its Claims %A Edward W. Gondolf %A Eric Mankowski %A Larry Bennett %J Violence Against Women %@ 1552-8448 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1077801217741994 %X The ˇ°Evaluation of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) curriculum for domestic violence offendersˇ± illustrates the methodological issues associated with interpreting program evaluations and applying them to policy. Despite the ˇ°preliminaryˇ± evidence, the authors promote ACTV as more effective in terms of recidivism compared with DU/CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy) programming. A more critical consideration of the research, however, exposes further limitations that counter the initial speculations and interpretations of the study outcome. Consequently, the effectiveness of ACTV over the DU/CBT option remains in question and raises the need for a broader discourse on program effectiveness %K acceptance and commitment therapy %K ACT %K batterer program evaluation %K treatment outcomes %K batterer recidivism %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1077801217741994