%0 Journal Article %T Institutional resources as a source of trade union power in Southern Europe %A Miguel ¨˘ngel Garc¨Şa Calavia %A Mike Rigby %J European Journal of Industrial Relations %@ 1461-7129 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0959680117708369 %X Institutional resources are one of the sources of power available to trade unions, but recent literature has tended to pay less attention to these than to associational and organizational resources. We examine institutional resources in three Southern European countries, Greece, Portugal and Spain, which share many common characteristics. However, the character of institutional resources in Spanish industrial relations is distinctive. We examine the plasticity of industrial relations institutions in Spain in terms of labour market outcomes but argue that institutional security is an essential platform for unions seeking to develop other sources of power %K Durkheim %K economic crisis %K Greece %K institutional resources %K Portugal %K Southern Europe %K Spain %K unions %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0959680117708369