%0 Journal Article %T Starting to Stop: Young Offenders¡¯ Desistance from Crime %A Deborah Jump %A Gr¨¢inne McMahon %J Youth Justice %@ 1747-6283 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/1473225417741223 %X This article explores the complexities of the interplay between structural and agentic changes in 21 young offenders¡¯ lives as they start to stop offending. The young people¡¯s ability to desist from crime was dependent upon their engagement with a ¡®hook for change¡¯, their development of prosocial relationships and ¡®knifing off¡¯ of elements of their offending past, the extent of their identity change, and their confidence about desistance. Desistance was less likely in the absence of a ¡®hook¡¯ and where offenders were running a ¡®condemnation script¡¯. The study challenges previous research that argues that desistance from crime in adolescence is unlikely %K desistance %K ¡®hooks for change¡¯ %K structure-agency %K youth crime %K youth justice %K youth offending %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1473225417741223