%0 Journal Article %T A Classroom Activity for Teaching Kohlberg¡¯s Theory of Moral Development %A Anna M. Schwartz %A Cheryl L. Carmichael %A Matthew H. Goldberg %A Maureen A. Coyle %J Teaching of Psychology %@ 1532-8023 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/0098628318816180 %X In two studies, we demonstrate an engaging classroom activity that facilitates student learning about Kohlberg¡¯s theory of moral development by using digital resources to foster active, experiential learning. In addition to hearing a standard lecture about moral development, students watched a video of a morally provocative incident, then worked in small groups to classify user comments posted in response to the video according to Kohlberg¡¯s six stages. Students in both studies found the activity enjoyable and useful. Moreover, students¡¯ scores on a moral development quiz improved after completing the activity (Study 1), and students who completed the activity in addition to receiving a lecture performed better on the quiz than students who received lecture alone (Study 2) %K moral development %K Kohlberg %K experiential learning %K multimedia %K critical thinking %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0098628318816180