%0 Journal Article %T Pas de minarets au paradis ! Le vote suisse du 29 novembre 2009 et la £¿ question islamique £¿ en Europe %A Jean-Fran£¿ois Mayer %J Social Compass %@ 1461-7404 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0037768618767964 %X The unexpected result of the 2009 referendum, which added a ban on the construction of minarets to the Swiss federal constitution, is an expression of debates about Islam in Western countries. The result shows that, even if activist groups frame these themes, they have a much larger resonance. Although the migration of Muslims to Europe and the resultant demographic changes are clearly behind the rise of concerns, they ultimately justify them with reference to Islamic doctrine, which is perceived as a political and ideological threat %K anti-Islamism %K Islam %K Islamophobia %K minaret %K Switzerland %K anti-islamisme %K islam %K islamophobie %K minaret %K Suisse %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0037768618767964