%0 Journal Article %T Perez Ambiguous Loss of Homeland Scale: Measuring ImmigrantsĄŻ Connection to Their Country of Origin %A Ilona Arnold-Berkovits %A Rose M. Perez %J Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences %@ 1552-6364 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/0739986318824606 %X The present study produced the Perez Ambiguous Loss of Homeland (PALH) scale to measure Spanish-speaking immigrantsĄŻ complex psychological connections with their homeland along two dimensions: immigrantsĄŻ sense of ambiguous loss of their homeland and their sense of relative satisfaction with the host country (the United States) compared with their sense of satisfaction with their homeland. In Study 1, surveys were administered to 56 participants to refine the scale. In Study 2, psychometric evaluation of cross-sectional data with 344 participants showed high reliability and validity. Exploratory factor analysis generated a three-factor explanation, which aligned with the hypothesized conceptual framework: ambiguous loss of homeland, satisfaction with the homeland, and satisfaction with the United States. A single scale, relative satisfaction was created by taking the difference between the two satisfaction factors. The PALH can be useful in understanding individualsĄŻ psychological challenges with leaving their homeland and adjusting to life in a new country %K ambiguous loss of homeland %K scale development %K Hispanic immigrants and refugees %K Latino immigrants %K acculturation %K nostalgia %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0739986318824606