%0 Journal Article %T ¡®Who governs¡¯ Berlin¡¯s metropolitan region? The strategic %A Carola Fricke %A Enrico Gualini %J Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space %@ 2399-6552 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/2399654418776549 %X ¡®Who governs¡¯ Berlin¡¯s metropolitan region¡ªand how? The article addresses this question by inquiring into the way metropolitan space is being constituted in current economic development policies for Berlin¨CBrandenburg. It follows the hypothesis that no single-unitary understanding of metropolitan space exists in Berlin as expression of an explicit metropolitan project, but rather a heteronomy of policy practices which express diverse and possibly competing ¡®implicit¡¯ metropolitan issues and agendas. Accordingly, rescaling in the Berlin metropolitan region is not occurring in a comprehensive political¨Cinstitutional form, as an ¡®explicit project¡¯. The more significant, however, is that rescaling is occurring¡ªas an ¡®implicit project¡¯¡ªthrough policy and governance practices which constitute a variety of understandings of metropolitan space. Metropolitan space appears therefore as an emerging construct defined by strategic-relational interplays between public and private actors and by the selective involvement of their interests and resources in the domain of specific spatial-economic development policies. Analyzing the construction of metropolitan space within specific policy arenas therefore offers a significant perspective on ¡®who governs¡¯ metropolitan development and on how this is possibly tied to the emergence of hegemonic understandings of scalar references for metropolitan policies %K Regional policy %K governance %K metropolitan governance %K rescaling %K Berlin¨CBrandenburg %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2399654418776549