%0 Journal Article %T The adsorption of phosphate %A Elif £żelik %A Or£żun £ża£żlar Kurtulu£ż %A Sedat Ondaral %J Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials %@ 2280-8000 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/2280800019826513 %X Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) adsorption on model films composed of gelatin and nanofibrillated celluloses (NFCs) with different aldehyde and carboxyl contents was studied by means of the quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) technique in this study. The results showed that frequency shift (Ĥ¤f) due to PBS adsorption increased with increasing gelatin content to 50% in NFC-containing films. The dissipation shift and adsorption rate of PBS followed the same trend. Model films with NFC-1 having 1.22£żmmol/g aldehyde and 0.6£żmmol/g carboxyl groups adsorbed more PBS than those consisting of NFC-2 with 0.25£żmmol/g aldehyde and 1.15£żmmol/g carboxyl groups except for film composed of 50% gelatin. However, adsorption rate of PBS was found to be slower for NFC-1 containing film because the acetal and amidol bonds formed by functional groups in the network of cellulose and gelatin needed more time to let PBS migrate into the films %K Gelatin %K nanofibrillated cellulose %K PBS %K adsorption %K QCM-D %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2280800019826513