%0 Journal Article %T An Investigation of Student Psychological Wellbeing: Honors Versus Nonhonors Undergraduate Education %A Abigail P. Plominski %A Lawrence R. Burns %J Journal of Advanced Academics %@ 2162-9536 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/1932202X17735358 %X The purpose of this study was to describe the current state of psychological wellbeing in gifted and nongifted undergraduate student sample populations and identify undergraduate populations experiencing heightened levels of distress within a large Midwestern public university. Study participants included 641 honors and 386 nonhonors undergraduate students. Each participant completed an electronic survey including a series of 10 measures of psychological adjustment to assess student psychological wellbeing. Significant differences between honors and nonhonors student sample populations were identified. Findings also suggest sophomore students share unique characteristics that may be responsible for lower levels of psychological wellbeing. Potential services that may improve the university undergraduate experience are discussed %K psychological wellbeing %K undergraduate education %K gifted education %K honors program %K sophomore slump %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1932202X17735358