%0 Journal Article %T The Equity Lens for Occupational Therapy: A program development and evaluation tool: L¡¯Equity Lens for Occupational Therapy : un outil pour le d¨¦veloppement et l¡¯¨¦valuation de programme %A Charmayne D. Dub¨¦ %A Gayle J. Restall %A Natalie J. MacLeod Schroeder %J Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy %@ 1911-9828 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0008417418756421 %X Occupational therapists value the principles of health and health care equity and often face challenges addressing inequities within the systems in which they work. We present the Equity Lens for Occupational Therapy (ELOT), a framework to provide a practical starting point for reflecting on equity issues and the ways inequities are enacted in daily practice. Building on an existing occupational therapy practice model and well-established program development and evaluation processes, we overlay an equity lens. The lens provides a structured way to critically reflect on occupational therapy programs within their contexts and develop action strategies to prevent or redress inequities. Taking action on the multiple ways that inequities can be embedded in occupational therapy programs within health and social systems can be a daunting task. The ELOT provides a systematic way to stimulate critical reflection and dialogue, examine practice, focus social advocacy, and take action %K Canadian Practice Process Framework (CPPF) %K Health care disparities %K Health equity %K Program development %K Program evaluation %K D¨¦veloppement de programme %K Disparit¨¦s en mati¨¨re de soins de sant¨¦ %K ¨¦quit¨¦ en mati¨¨re de sant¨¦ %K ¨¦valuation de programme %K Mod¨¨le canadien du processus de pratique (MCPP) %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0008417418756421