%0 Journal Article %T Bourdieu without childhood: Methods and theoretical postulates of a study on French working %A Camille Salgues %J Childhood %@ 1461-7013 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0907568217732120 %X This article is a reassessment of a former study on French working-class children. The methods, based on interviews, and the theoretical postulates, where children were seen as informants on the social world, are submitted to a close examination in relation to the research context. Through this reflexive work, different narratives emerge associated with different scientific circles: French-written Bourdieusian sociology and English-written Childhood studies. It aims at provoking reflections on the differences of the two traditions in approaching children and childhood %K Bourdieu %K Childhood studies %K French sociology %K interview method %K sociological narrative %K sociology of childhood %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0907568217732120