%0 Journal Article %T Protests, Rallies, Marches, and Social Movements as Organizational Change Agents %A Marie-Line Germain %A Phyllis Robertson %A Sarah Minnis %J Advances in Developing Human Resources %@ 1552-3055 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1523422319827903 %X Social movements can impact organizations and employees through changes in policies and procedures in the workplace. Measuring the degree to which collective protests, rallies, and marches have influenced organizational actions can be complex due to the variance in activist practices and the resistance or amiableness of organizations to change. Protests, rallies, and marches can create a disruptive stage for challenging and confronting organizational policies and practices that maintain power structures. Through the examination of the literature and the review of recent worldwide events, this article illustrates how social movements have affected organizations and led to organizational changes, illuminating change processes in established fields such as business. Specifically, we aim to answer how protests, rallies, and marches influence organizational policies and practices attributed to human resource development (HRD). We conclude by discussing how a recent social movement is applicable to the field of HRD and suggest areas for future research. This article may be of interest to employees at all levels of the organization, researchers, and practitioners in the field of HRD %K social movement %K organizational change %K employee activism %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1523422319827903