%0 Journal Article %T Who Knows More About Politics? A Dual Explanation for the Gender Gap %A Melissa K. Miller %J American Politics Research %@ 1552-3373 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1532673X18803890 %X Numerous studies have documented a gender gap in political knowledge. Men score higher than women on quiz-style survey questions testing knowledge of national-level electoral politics and the ¡°rules of the game.¡± Structural, situational, and psychological factors have been examined as possible explanations, but a residual gap remains after they are controlled. Two broad explanations have been advanced in the literature. First, women¡¯s differential propensity to respond ¡°don¡¯t know¡± depresses their scores when correct answers to knowledge questions are tallied. Second, political knowledge questions typically focus on national-level electoral politics and the rules of the game, a focus that privileges men. This article joins these two broad explanations. Using a statewide survey of Ohio voters, it provides clear evidence that the residual gender gap in political knowledge is an artifact of measurement. Both the don¡¯t know response and a focus on national-level politics and the rules of the game favor men %K political knowledge %K gender %K gender gap %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1532673X18803890