%0 Journal Article %T Painting too ¡°Rosie¡± a picture: The impact of external threat on women¡¯s economic welfare %A Jaroslav Tir %A Maureen Bailey %J Conflict Management and Peace Science %@ 1549-9219 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0738894217693619 %X Why is the economic status of women better in one country than another? We maintain that the answer lies in part in the extent of external threat to the homeland territory a country faces. To respond to the threat, states centralize their decision-making, invest more in the military and decrease citizens¡¯ liberties. Associated restrictions and emphases on more ¡°masculine¡± values create an environment where women¡¯s welfare takes a back seat to the ostensible priority of defending the homeland. Utilizing measures of women¡¯s unemployment from across the world, 1981¨C2001, we demonstrate that higher levels of territorial threat decrease women¡¯s economic welfare %K Discrimination %K economic status %K gender %K territory %K threat %K unemployment %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0738894217693619