%0 Journal Article %T Teacher Effects on Chilean ChildrenĄ¯s Achievement Growth: A Cross %A Lars-Erik Malmberg %A Lorena Ortega %A Pam Sammons %J Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis %@ 1935-1062 %D 2018 %R 10.3102/0162373718781960 %X We investigated teacher effects (magnitude, predictors, and cumulativeness) on primary studentsĄ¯ achievement trajectories in Chile, using multilevel cross-classified (accelerated) growth models (four overlapping cohorts, spanning Grades 3 to 8; n = 19,704 students, and 851 language and 812 mathematics teachers, in 156 schools). It was found that teacher effects on achievement growth are large, exceeding school effects. Also, the contribution of teachers to student achievement growth was found to accumulate over time. The study advances the field by exploring teacher effects in the context of an emerging economy, contributing further evidence on the properties of teacher effects on student achievement growth and demonstrating the combined use of accelerated longitudinal designs, growth curve approaches, and cross-classified and multiple membership models %K school/teacher effectiveness %K teacher characteristics %K achievement %K hierarchical linear modeling %K longitudinal studies %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.3102/0162373718781960