%0 Journal Article %T Abnormal EEG Power Spectra in Acute Transient Global Amnesia: A Quantitative EEG Study %A Benedetto Farina %A Chiara Di Blasi %A Claudio Imperatori %A Edoardo Mazzucchi %A Federico Todini %A Giacomo Della Marca %A Valerio Brunetti %J Clinical EEG and Neuroscience %@ 2169-5202 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1550059418780780 %X Transient global amnesia (TGA) is a clinical syndrome characterized by retrograde and anterograde amnesia without other neurological deficits. Although electroencephalography (EEG) methods are commonly used in both clinical and research setting with TGA patients, few studies have investigated neurophysiological pattern in TGA using quantitative EEG (qEEG). The main aim of the present study was to extend these previous findings by exploring EEG power spectra differences between patients with acute TGA and healthy controls using the exact low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography software (eLORETA). EEG was recorded during 5 minutes of resting state. Sixteen patients (mean age: 66.81 ¡À 7.94 years) during acute TGA and 16 healthy subjects were enrolled. All patients showed hippocampal or parahippocampal signal abnormalities in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging performed from 2 to 5 days after the onset of TGA. Compared with healthy controls, TGA patients showed a decrease of theta power localized in the temporal lobe (Brodmann areas, BAs 21-22-38) and frontal lobe (BAs 8-9-44-45). A decrease of EEG beta power in the bilateral precuneus (BA 7) and in the bilateral postcentral gyrus (BAs 3-4-5) was also observed in TGA individuals. Taken together, our results could reflect the neurophysiological substrate of the severe impairment of both episodic memory and autobiographical memory which affect TGA patients during the acute phase %K transient global amnesia %K EEG power spectra %K eLORETA %K quantitative EEG %K MRI %K diffusion-weighted imaging %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1550059418780780