%0 Journal Article %T The Lady Knows the Recipe: Challenges of Carrying Out a Feminist Study of Hollywood Romantic Comedy %A Alice Guilluy %J Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de M¨¦thodologie Sociologique %@ 2070-2779 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0759106318795219 %X This article outlines the methodology of my PhD thesis, which examined the reception of contemporary Hollywood romantic comedy in Britain, France and Germany. I underline the significant epistemological and methodological shift which took place over the course of four years, as my research went from a positivist mixed-methods study aiming to describe national differences in reception, to a constructivist and qualitative interrogation of the specific pleasures of romantic comedy viewing as manifested by a small group of participants. I conclude that whilst there is no single perfect feminist methodology, doing feminist research must include a degree of self-introspection at all stages of the research, from recruitment to data collection to analysis %K Cin¨¦ma hollywoodien %K entretiens qualitatifs %K f¨¦minisme %K public %K Audiences %K feminism %K Hollywood cinema %K qualitative interviews %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0759106318795219