%0 Journal Article %T Messaging and Multivitamin Use: Rethinking the ¡°It Can¡¯t Hurt¡± Philosophy %A Nicole D. White %J American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine %@ 1559-8284 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1559827619826572 %X Fifty-two percent of American adults report use of a dietary supplement, most commonly for improved health and disease prevention. However, literature supporting such use is inconsistent. Many providers suggest that the addition of a multivitamin ¡°couldn¡¯t hurt,¡± but this messaging may promote unintentional consequences including a shift of emphasis on intake of healthy foods to nutrient supplements and a neglected opportunity to discuss the profound benefits of a healthy diet. Potential implications of such messaging and recommendations for counseling are described %K nutrition %K diet %K supplementation %K counseling %K multivitamin %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1559827619826572