%0 Journal Article %T Evaluation Theory and Practice: Comparing Program Evaluation and Evaluation in Planning %A Dave Guyadeen %A Mark Seasons %J Journal of Planning Education and Research %@ 1552-6577 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/0739456X16675930 %X This article reviews the major approaches of program evaluation and evaluation in planning. The challenges to evaluating plans and planning are discussed, including the reliance on ex ante evaluations, a lack of outcome evaluation methodologies, the attribution gap, and institutional hurdles. Areas requiring further research are also highlighted, including the need to develop appropriate evaluation methodologies; creating stronger linkages between program evaluation and evaluation in planning; examining the institutional and political contexts guiding the use (and misuse) of evaluation in practice; and the importance of training and educating planners on evaluation %K planning evaluation %K plan evaluation %K program evaluation %K evaluation challenges and benefits %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0739456X16675930