%0 Journal Article %T Playing the visibility game: How digital influencers and algorithms negotiate influence on Instagram %A Kelley Cotter %J New Media & Society %@ 1461-7315 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1461444818815684 %X Algorithms are said to affect social realities, often in unseen ways. This article explores conscious, instrumental interactions with algorithms, as a window into the complexities and extent of algorithmic power. Through a thematic analysis of online discussions among Instagram influencers, I observed that influencers¡¯ pursuit of influence resembles a game constructed around ¡°rules¡± encoded in algorithms. Within the ¡°visibility game,¡± influencers¡¯ interpretations of Instagram¡¯s algorithmic architecture¡ªand the ¡°game¡± more broadly¡ªact as a lens through which to view and mechanize the rules of the game. Illustrating this point, this article describes two prominent interpretations, which combine information influencers glean about Instagram¡¯s algorithms with preexisting discourses within influencer communities on authenticity and entrepreneurship. This article shows how directing inquiries toward the visibility game makes present the interdependency between users, algorithms, and platform owners and demonstrates how algorithms structure, but do not unilaterally determine user behavior %K Algorithm %K algorithmic power %K brand cultures %K digital influencers %K Instagram %K platform studies %K social media %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461444818815684