%0 Journal Article %T Analysis of the input power flow characteristics of cylindrical shells with combination boundaries %A Luyun Chen %A Yong Liu %J Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control %@ 2048-4046 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1461348418814123 %X In this study, the input power flow problem of the cylindrical shell with complex acoustic boundaries was investigated. According to the acoustic characteristic of control domain which combination free interface and rigid wall interface at the same time for the cylindrical shell, the double reflection method and mirror image method were applied, and the analytical function of the input power flow for the cylindrical shell was derived. Finally, a cylindrical shell in the quarter-infinite acoustic space for example, the numerical calculation of input power flow of cylindrical shell was carried out. The influences of acoustic boundary characteristics, location, and frequency on the input power flow were compared. In addition, the effectiveness and convergence of the proposed method was verified using finite element method %K Cylindrical shells %K input power flow %K quarter space %K double reflection method %K image method %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1461348418814123