%0 Journal Article %T Healthcare professionals¡¯ experiences of perinatal loss: A systematic review %A Antonella Bernaudo %A Fabio Veglia %A Gabriella Gandino %A Giulia Di Fini %A Ilaria Vanni %J Journal of Health Psychology %@ 1461-7277 %D 2019 %R 10.1177/1359105317705981 %X Healthcare professionals¡¯ psychological involvement in perinatal loss is a largely overlooked subject by healthcare systems, scientific research and prevention policies. A systematic scientific review has been carried out about emotional experiences, attributed meanings and needs conveyed by healthcare professionals in relation to perinatal loss. We identified 213 studies between 1985 and 2015, 20 of which were included in the present study for qualitative analysis. Our results point out the need for a targeted vocational training in perinatal loss, enabling healthcare professionals to achieve a proper management of their own internal states %K healthcare professionals %K perinatal loss %K stillbirth %K psychological experiences %K neonatal units %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1359105317705981