%0 Journal Article %T Gandhi, Ambedkar and British policy on the communal award %A Sujay Biswas %J Studies in People's History %@ 2349-7718 %D 2018 %R 10.1177/2348448918759867 %X It has now become a fashion among many historians, notably from the West, to denounce Gandhi¡¯s fast and the Poona Pact of 1932 as a great betrayal of the ¡®Untouchables¡¯. This view essentially overlooks the constant effort of British imperialism to divide the Indian people into a number of special-interest groups at loggerheads with each other and so weaken the National Movement. This paper weighs the critics¡¯ assertions in the light of the British Government¡¯s own statements and those of the leaders of the Depressed Castes. It is also forgotten that the Poona Pact greatly increased Depressed Castes¡¯ representation; and that no separate electorates have been ever established in Western democracies to avoid majoritarian rule %K Gandhi %K Ambedkar %K Communal Award %K Poona Pact %K separate electorates %K Dalits %U https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2348448918759867